Where can I find the privacy policy?

You can find the privacy policy here!

How are my payments secured?

Payments are handled through Telegram’s own digital services currency, Stars. This means we do not store any of your payment details!

How can I get a refund?

As mentioned in our terms and conditions, you can request a refund in the first 7 days after your initial payment.

To request this refund, simply email support(at)believablebots.io, with your transaction id in the subject line. You can find your transaction ID through the bot portal.

How come Telegram stars are cheaper when purchased on my computer, rather than on my phone?

When you purchase Telegram stars using your mobile phone, this is considered an “in-app-purchase”, so Google and Apple take a 30% charge. If you choose to purchase your stars through another platform (eg, telegram desktop), this transaction is handled by telegram - making it cheaper for you.

Can I buy clones using something other than Telegram Stars?

Reach out to support, explain your situation, and we’ll see what we can do!

Can you add <feature>?

We’re definitely open to feature suggestions - contact support with any new features ideas you’ve had.

Please note that while we’re happy to receive new feature requests, we can’t add everything - some features can’t be added for technical reasons, or might simply be out of scope for our bots. Thank you for understanding!

How do I contact support?

If you’re looking for support, you can email support(at)believablebots.io.

Alternatively, if you’ve already purchased a bot, you’ll have access to the private support chat - in which case you can ask there!

… More FAQs to come